Evansville Press from Evansville, Indiana (2024)

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SEPTEMBAl 1962 THE SUNDAY COURIER AND PRESS -EVANSVILLE INDIANA PAGE ELEVEN-A 92 Tackle Education Problems The accent will be on safety Tuesday as the thousands of school children begin another school year School officials school safety patrons the' Pedes trian Safety Committee the Parent-Teacher Assn and the Police and Sheriffs departments have been alerted to the September challenge to get the youngsters to school and back without mishap Three new schools opening for driven and children followed the following rules there would be no school accidents: i Esc Parents 1: Set good sAfety example home and behind the wheeL' -2: Help teach safety habits and Ijf the safest routs to scfiooL Teach proper us of takca skates and scooteix 4: See' that- children play in safe areas i Teach that safety rules are as important as other rules of the home and schpol rw Children 1: Obey 'an btlicers 'patrol boys signs and signals 2: Follow the instructions about: the safest way home 3: Obey bicycle laws 4: Use skates scooters and wagons only on sidewalks Far Driven' 1: Drive cautiously in school and playground areas- obey the patrol boys 2: Watch for children dashing from between cars in residential areas 3: Always' expect the unexpected from children 4: Don't let your children stand in the car or do anything else that violates safety rules (fa fv -V Mix Gladys Mbs Mary 1 FRANK Daniel Wert 130 More Local Couples Take Shawneetown Vows the first time Tuesday and the addition of former county achoota to the Evans rille-Vandeiturgh School Corpcompitcale the prob- Iam i Nm locat'd EaroUmeat Total enrollment la expected to be the highest In history approximately 41000 grade and high schort students In public and parochial achoota That will indude an estimated 31230 in the public schools (now covering the entire county) 9330 In Catholic and about 300 in Lutheran parochial institutions The new schod buildings are McGary and Evans elementary and jiarrison High all public achoob Rales Explalaed Added to the metropolitan school syitem via merger were the township achooia of German ScotC! Armstrong and Union Armstrong and Union townships are resisting the merger by legal action! Starting Tuesday 330 patrol boys will leave 'their homes early each morning to be at their assigned posts at 49 elementary schools Motorists are required to atop when a patrol red flag is placed in the street Alan driven must observe the school sone speed limits' and keep out of loading zones" except to load and unload passengetx Cars Barf Mast Lt Leroy Robinson instructor of child safety for the Evansville Police notes that Indiana law cell tor all vehicles to stop when meeting -or overtaking chool bus which has stopped to discharge or load school children Other vehicfes may proceed to meet or pass the bus only after loading or unloading baa been completed Lt Jtobinson also notes that but year more children under 13 were hurt while riding in cars than while on their bike or walking Ql the 332 injured 134 were hurt while passengers 35 Jon bikes and S3 walking PUT Parents and Chi Id mi TheSS injured as pedestrians accounted for more than two-thirdijpt all pedestrian mishaps in Evapsviile last year And only seven bike riders over age 13 were injured One nine-year-old boy wu killed on his bike Through July of 1962 Evans-' ville has jud 63 pedestrian injuries and 22 bike injuries Just about jar with last -year's record ft i Robmson said that if parents Two Special Events Here On Labor Day Shawneetown HL atm stand Miss Kathleen Linda Kroen-popular place tor Evansville I er 21 couples seeking marriage in a I William Earl Schncll 22 and hurry One hundred thirty local Miss Jeanne Whittsr 29 couples are among those who Roy Hayden Mabrey 19 and have taken their vows there in Miss Martha Jean Mattingly 11 tlw last tour months of April Kenneth Dallas Creek 36 and May June and July Mra Juanita Christine Thomas In the previous five months EV-I24 C0UPH George Edwin Mills a and TV SRrflftarf MbsMarllou Smith 23 Tbe record for the last four John mnk Neudicki 45 Mrs Celeste Mary Mahobn APRIL I Billy Eugene Wright 20 and -William Blake 48 art Mix H' Leona Elizabeth Jarvis P81 Robert Dean Key 21 and Mias 331 Rosalee Joyce Millspaugh 2L I Mi Unda Maria Imranaga 19 Otis Lafaye Millikan 29 Mar- HcnderMn-km Ky and Misa Amy Sue Da-1 Ewell Edward Dutton 26 and vidson 22 Miss Eulene Sue Parley 26 Shaw- William Walter Webb 20 Mort-lneelown rose British Columbia Canada! Donald Allan Smeathm 18 and and Misa Virginia Anne Hahn Miss Patricia Kay Rose 17 17 Newburgh I jftwpj James Edward Smith 24 and Mrs Sandra: Rae Smith 22 Robot Blincoe 30 and Mrs Willbm Robert Kings burg 20 1 ShWey Jenisha Blincoe 24 Elberfcld and Miss Judy Gayle I William Earl Ipock 23 and Severin 18 iMiss Janet Diane Blair 17 Donald Edward Hackenon 27 Edmond Ingram 23 and Mias and Miss Frances Opal Jones I Linda Jean Wagner 19 Chandler Clarence Edward Patrick 19 Charles Edgar Brown 39 Chi-1 Columbus tnd and Miss Frances esgo and Mrs Helen Mildred I Reno Branham 20 I Earl Thomas Hamilton 4L and Arthur (Miver Eakins a and Mba Anna Belie McLain 43 Mrs Judith Diana Owens 19 Charles Owen Alvey 35 Hen- David Boyer 2L and denon and Miss Helen Juanita Misa Betty Jane Temme 21 pevers 27 Charies Ray Pace and Mrs James Duncan Holcombe 23 Bonnie Carible 27 land Mbs Linda Lou Garrett 19 Daiton Ibnrood Curtb Mt Malcolm wuiiamsoa Taylor 43 Vernon and Mrs Wilma nd Mrs Anna Maria Bailey SL Lee Heckler 44 Trenton Tenn Billy Joe Durbin 19 and Miss Chlade 39 and Mrs rViMw Paulw If I 1 uom uayie Sweeney 17 Ruby Seaney Norii Edward Mallary and Mhui Collins 53 and Mre Leonn Caren Daugherty 60 Mrii Maye Brown 35 John Spencer Price 23 and £ari Henry Beckner SO and Barbara Anne Kefouver Mba Ola Wood 36 Mba William COX Baker' Mr Kathryn CREELS Baker 1 Kenneth Albert Plassmeyer 22 and Miss Patrida Ann Wall 20 Charles Edward Vaughn 20 and Miss Cynthia Dianne Alton Brown 46 and Mrs Mary Frances Mastenon 3 Chester Hunt BarnhiU 46 and Mre Jet tie Peart Jones 34 Stiu Lj Lloyd DuBob 35 an Ml Mary Cornell Jones 29 David Gilbert Krietemeyer 34 and Mra Louise Larene Adams I Burges Eugene TSfcL 25 and -Calver Mbs Shirley PYLE Culver Gilbert APFKLSTADT IJarala 1Im Phyllis IIKCKMAN Ledge Sira Saadra WKPFKK Mrfiirjf ygjpii)iiyi MIm Martha MKKWOOII Plasa Park Mba Dorothy LAND Tekoppel Mre Eleaaer BUCK 1'bIm Jameo KLOTZ W'aahiagtoa MIm Nanry WILUAMS W'ost Holghts Nirmaa BEARD (Mar Ball Mrs Janet WEIDEMAN Cedar Hall James Douglas Janet 25 and Miss Wilma June Meredith 20 Francis Dcllua Stofleth 19 andl Mbs Sharon Ann Paddock II JULY" Hermon Ckrlion Steverson 28 Tsvaret Fla and Mbs Eula Dianne Beaven 19 Willbm Groner Kullman 72 and Mix Mildred Agnes Robertson 58 Rice Edward Gregory 60 Hen-rsoa and Mrs Fannie Ellen Conner 60 Joseph Manges 36 and Mbs! Minnie Elizabeth Ballon 36 Newburgh Francb David Pease 22 and1 Mbs Judith Aim Loeve 22 Edward James Lattner 39 and Mrs Thelma Laveme Young 4L William Laurence Luigi 2L and Miss Dorothy Jean Dunn 19 Ridgway 111 Wallace Moore 36 and Miss Lob laveme Brown 47 -James Robert Williams 31 and Mix Mildred Irene Pfingaton 30 Austin Eugene Gordon 25 and Mbs Linda Louise Dodd 20 Richard William Valentine 2L Syracuse Kan and Miss Judith Elizabeth Spicker 18 Maurice Chambers 2L Hender on and Mbs Neilto Grundy 18 William Junior Moore Sr 84 and Mbs Patricia Marjorie Moore 33 Newburgh-Richard Stephen Tipton 18 and Misa Nancy Aim Ctouch 18 Walter Carlyle Parks 21 To- wanda Term and Mbs Virginia Aim Hendricks 18 Donald Wayne Nslly 20 Hen- deraon and Misa Sylvia Marie Johnson 21 John Lenden Defendafl 21 and Mbs Juanita Gayle Hunt 21 George Washington Fletcher 23 and Mbs Beverly Jane Green- naugh 21 Lonnie Arthur Elvaid 20 and Mbs Muriel Lou VanHoosier 19 Sturgis David Brown 37 and Miss Elms Lee Kelly 31 Everett Julian Wade 21 and Mbs Rrjonla Sue Moore 2 2 1'rank Lavem Morris 34 New-j burghh and Mix Agnes Mae Osrhman 4L Thomas Patrick Puriell 23 and Mbs Rhonad Lou Godwin 2L Robert Ray Whitaker 26 and Mrs Margaret Mae Arnett 27 Scotisburg Ind Riley Cook 22 and Mbs Barbara Jean Houchin 17 Thomas Allen Moore 59 and Miss Gladya Opal Jones 58 Ronald Clarence Haxelrigg 21 and Mbs Charlotte Mae Jourdan 19 James Henry' Worthington 19 and Min Bonnie June Willis 17 Randal Caroll Tuck 18 and Mbs Flora Barbara Stone IS Henderson Larry Ehrood Weftom 2L and Min Janice Ann Tuck 16 -Alfred Stanley Higginbotham 23 and Mix Shirley Jane lay- lor 27 Local Woman On TV Program An Evansville native scheduled to appear on tor a Day" on Tuesday The network daytime television show filmed to California will feature Mix Cecilia Greuel daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Christopher Schaefer Mix Greuel left here IS yean ago and now lives on a farm near Muskogee Okie with her husband and 12 children Two other children are married and Mrs Gre-uti expects to be a grandmother twtre before the year out Mrs Greuel was vbiling in California when she was selected to appear the show Complrtrs Coursr flgaaMl BAILEY Oateanlal Staaley 8TOELT1NG Hlghbad fsury WILLIAMS Hlghlaad Jlbw Marllya FISHER McGary II Noel Mr DON AID MeGary Mra Ruth rEMBERTOX Staaley HaU Jamea MILLER HtringtowW Mre Betty HAYNES Vogel Mre Gloria POWERS Vogel Dr Rest nw Rm- Friedrich Real lie- Mb Etas ALLEN Oateanlal Sirs Jane fi 1 JONES i DanM Weris Min Jayre HENKE Oah IIUI Uny Dl'NCAN McGary Michael TRAW Plaza Parti Kadnlph (1IIHKKT Staaley HaU1 Mba Kama BROMM -Vagei ImA Robert FALLS -Ptjrchotogtrt Jack THEUERKAUr Wheobr op'i faM Cs! uU prrarhrts in the nation by court morning bk ilual Mias Eva KiXNAIRD CotamMa Mrs Mary EM 1(1 Hlghlaad Mba Betty WATKINS IJncnla hire Mary IIHCHIE MrGary Sire Lraala HTEKUS MrGary jWV'Jfi Mre Cyathla JACKSON Teksppel MIm Sandra I ALTHE1DK Tekoppel rr Lewie CLARK oalllBgtlM Mre Betty JKRREL WoaUagtou Beginning and a worship aeiviee to mark the end of 25 years In the min-btry and tha twginnlng of the 2bth year Today he to wearing hb new silk doctor's robe a gift of (he congregation and speaking on and Charity'! Dr Rest said ho will on Gary BRUNSON Ceateaniai Mus Patricia Atm Polk 19 TeU t-u mi Vernon Ray Toliver 24 Hen- denon and Mrs? Judith Ann Green 22 Jamea Ray Edwards 24 Bonn- nm Nfyoun Van Kenneth Nabb 21 and Mba Omriene Brenda West JO Vaughn Beun-IIWcman Mirt Judith Cwti Hughes 20 Eddie Laveme Jolley' Mt Ve a3 jf vU1 Two special events and a day of rest for almost everybody will highlight the Evansville observance of Labor Day on Monday A Labor Day Mass will be read In SL Anthony Catholic Church at I am followed by a breakfast in Restaurant 2nd and Locust at 9 Speakers will be the Rev Nevln Danner executive secretary the Evansville Council Churches Father James Deneen superintendent of Catholic schools tor thi Evansville Diocese and Lawrence Kifzinger president of Central Labor Council covering all AFLdO unions in Vanderburgh Posey Warrick coun-ttea Acting as a' panel they will discus Fating Labor in Evansville j- 1 Place lit Life" will be discussed by Esther Basil Mall-ingiy OSB1 of St Meinrad Arrtmbbey at the Mass This special lervieeln honor of St' Jo-' eph the Work-' man is held in a eratkm with me AFI CIO arid tha Catholic Infer-' math) Center Father! FTedei to Nlehans pastor of SL "wnu MATTKtiLT celebrate the Mass Father Basil is a philosophy Instructor at St Meinrad Seminary He has Just returned from service with toe Army Father Basil Vws ordained to the priest hawi at SL Meinrad In 1918 He has master's degree In psychology and a doctor of philosophy? degree both from Notre Dame -tfrrwu graduated from the Airborne Jump School at FL Campbell Ky in 1938 and served with both (he 101st and 12nd airborne divisions in this country and Korea Today of course the meaning of the holiday will be mentioned from many local pulpits Monday is a day off for Industry apd most businesses and si moat' all governmental offices Police firemen will be on duty? usual with the former expecting a busy day as Labor Day normally brings out hordes of picnickers swimmers boaters and just plain drivers resulting In tnore accidents than wa like Newspapers also will bo published on Monday 1 Martin JTnoneJl and Nathan Parker 43 and Jr Mr' Virginia Hogg 39 Willbm Wsllsee Natim Jr Cleon Redmmt 2L and 31and Miss Sherry Raa Melton Miw gu Buridow 18 U- Eldon Elms Hanes 44 and Mbs BIAY I Era Jean Williams 21 1 Richard Dean Simpson 26 and Mba Priscilla Dean Hurt 2L Mrs Betty Ruth Simms 32 Mad- chandler Donald Ray Sellner 28 and Thomas Ray Wfflbms 22 and nmceletta Curry 35 A a-Gilbert iM and Mil Hi and Ammey Dean Gibson 34 a1 Horace Gretiy Luther Jr 30 Obte Dee Midlins German- Mri Revs Joan Vasseur 28 town Ohio and Mrs Hazel Vto jvid Lee 37 Ft Lauderdale ginla Pb 30- Fla and Mbs Shirley Ruth Hold- Larry Wayne Butts 19 and I a- 3 Mba Prbcffla Atm Mattingly 16 Donald Evans 30 and Miss James Lnub Neukam and jjllian Carat Diamonds 26 Jo Aim Putman 25 Raphael Eugene Fulkerson 26 Johnnta Ored Hawkine Newburgh and Mb Cariene and Mba Pntrida Diana Mereer Peckenpaugh 19 Henderaon 19- I Marvin Headly Cornell S3 and Laurean Lee 46 and Mrs-1 Mrs Margaret Pauline Qwig 40 Marjorie Lorens Simmons 39 Larry Earl Scary 23 and Mrs Benjamin Edmonds S3 and miMs ThebBMer 23 Mis Anna Elizabeth Goodraml Charles Jerome Hampton 23 38 IML Vernon Ind and Misa Linda James Betmy Miiead 2L and Lou Marx 19 Mba Del ms Viola WiUtems 22 Hvold Raymond Rudeaill 34 Robert Eugene Baker 29 New- md Mrs Evadlne Rdberti 32 burgh and Mbs Joyce Ann Smith I Charles Henry Hohman 39 and 2L Newburgh Mrs Janlre Brown Arnold 47 Mearie Ebworth Collier Jr 221 Homer Winfrey Presley Jr 18 Glendale Cai and Mix Ada Vic- ml Mix Jewel Faye Biggie 19 lorb Baker 19 Clarence Aubrey Myers 41 and Wilburn Harold Stoke 21 and Mbs Henrietta Krtolemeyers 36 Miss Barbara Jean Sparks' 18 Calvin Wayne Oldham 18 and Paul Robert Polk 23 and MisImIss Jayne Kay Montgomery 18 Virginia Ellen Tale 20 Charles William MdMiran 21 Frank Joseph Tompkins 63 and Marion Ky and Mbs Joyce Mrs- Alma Anna' Koptkoski 12 Ann Dunkersnn 22 Monroe Rufus Mullen 36 and Gary Ray Baggett 20 and Mbs Mrs Goldie Frantia Welch 44 Marjorie Cnlleen Epperson 17 Raymond Thacker 37 and Miss Shirley Prullt 32 and Mrs Mary Ann Slaughter 27 Charb Gayle Helming 26 James Robert Carver 32 and Carlton Ray Tabor 21 and Mrs Dorothy Mae Carver 2L Mbs Bonnl Wynona Parks William- Eugena Cblemai 231 Owensboro Eighth Year Here trying to he nut so much a min- btrr as one who mlnblrre to guide a church that seeks not in much to be served as to servo the community" On the lighter side ho said he has resolved to drink more buttermilk berauso Dr Claris Chappd voted cm of the 19 boat summer" Dr Rest uid ox of Cent drinks a glass of buttermilk fore preaching going to drink a of glasaee Sunday hum now on afire hearing preach five of si time Dalton Benedict MOt Oak Terraee has completed a special advanced rourso given by the Metropolitan Life Insurance Cb in New York Benedict incur- anre consultant in tho Evansville District office was trained in estate planning and business life imurenct underwriting hta Evana- I vlle lody United Church of Chnat The Rev Dr Rest I brated 25 yeare as an ordained mlnbter earlier in the summer The congregation held a supper 'which included entertainment 1 1.

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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.